Recent Event

art event
Teraskota, BSD City
17 - 22 Juli dan 30 Juli 2011


dance / event
Bifest, Bintaro Tangsel
9 Juli 2011

dance battle of anykind of dance (shuffle, breakdance, traditional) in street setting and background at Bifest.

music event
Bifest, Bintaro Tangsel
25 Juni 2011

B FRESH bukan dahsyat, inbox, mantap, dering, atau semua-semua itu. Ini adalah gigs yang fresh!, ajang unjuk kreatifitas, skill, aksi, di atas panggung dan area ciamik di Bi Fest sektor 9 Bintaro.

EVENT INI ADALAH rangkaian panjang menuju festival besar di bulan Juli dan Oktober yang digagas komunitas BSD artmovement, sebuah “ruang” kreatif yang memiliki intensi berkarya, beraktifitas bersama berdasar basis komunitas, dengan vocal point kajian seni – kota – dan budaya urban.

PADA EVENT INI kami mengajak band anda, atraksi anda, dance anda, dan semua hal yang bisa ditonton untuk tampil di atas panggung. Juga kami membuka lowongan pengisi stand untuk segala macam rupa ria barang atau jasa dengan harga sewa ciamik.

YANG DIHARAPKAN dari event ini adalah suasana asik dan performance yang ciamik dari para performer sehingga setelah dari event ini kita bisa menjadi lebih fresh. Baik secara pengalaman, wawasan, maupun perkenalan. 

BSD Square - Edutown, BSD City, Tangsel
5 Juni 2011

Fill ride moment with Color and Style

Bifest, Bintaro Tangsel
3 Juni 2011

a ceremonial event for some migration our new space in Bintaro.

6. Choose Happiness Project
art projects
BSD City - Bintaro, Tangsel
20 Februari 2011

“Dreams are illustrations... from the book your soul is writing about you.”
(Marsha Norman)

This artwork is part of "Choose Happiness Project, " which has the concept of choice.
Reality always presents a choice, when faced with that choice to us, then who will be present is an "expectation - about prayer, hope.
middle of February, we do this work of art by creating works of graphic that read "Pilihlah Aku" (Choose Me) and directed to the people at random to be held and photographed. after the photos, they will write prayers / hopes them about the concept of choice according to their own.
and pray / hope that the paper was written under "Choose Me " later will be attached at the destination address expectations of "choice" them.
This work was later considered contextually with Tangsel conditions, our domicile, when we face the General Election of the first time, there is a sense in which we feel "no choice" to choose our own leaders. Because everyone is entitled to choose from! not only from the party, the artist, or who have money. everyone can choose and pick.
as well as on a broader level, Indonesia, the freedom to choose the trust becomes a contextual issue in recent days. therefore, this art is also proposed to participate in Sunday Street Art.
This work was completed with such unrest.

art exhibition
as participant (group by name B Art Movement)
Museum Barli, Bandung
05 Februari 2011

Performers :

Dari karya Anunsiata Srisabda, dibawakan oleh:
Empat Perempuan (Ken Atik Djatmiko, Vinny Soemantri, Rinrin Candraresmi, Anusiata Srisabda, Ratna S. Ningsih) Jean Marlow Tahitoe, Sakila Cheailz, Anne Nurfarina Dah.
Maryam Supraba; R.A.Inten Shaomi Febrisya

MANTRA adalah side project yang mencoba menggali sisi lain dari kolaborasi ritmik tradisional dalam nuansa ambience. Bereksplorasi dengan sound-sound etnik, pola-pola melodi eksperimentatif bertumpuk memunculkan hawa mistis.

Zinner Kendang – Percussion; lulusan STSI Bandung ’98. Mulai bermain alat musik kendang sejak berusia 10 thn. Saat ini masih aktif berkolaborasi dengan beberapa kelompok musisi lintas negara dan tergabung dalam Gamelan Shock Breaker, SambaSunda dan Jugala All Star.

Rene Lysloff (AS) – Programming, Synthesizer; saat ini masih tercatat sebagai seorang pengajar ethnomusicology dan komposisi musik digital di University of California, Riverside. Sepuluh tahun terakhir menghabiskan waktunya mendalami karawitan dan solo projectnya Serious Prof.

 Sri Dwi Wahyuni dan B-ART MOVEMENT
B-ART MOVEMENT adalah sekelompok seniman dengan beragam lintas disiplin yang bergerak dalam eksplorasi seni media baru, mereka adalah: Stella Prasetya, Hilmi Fabeta, Ferlin Yoswara, Ivan Hamid, Juniar Vdya, M.Hasrul, Videl Oemry, Sebastianus Seno.

 Syamsul “icul” Barry
(Penggiat seni media baru, berkarya dan tinggal di Yogyakarta)
Sutradara : Sri Dwi Wahyuni

art fetival/artexhibition
as group participants

6-10 Des 2010
Taman Budaya Raden Saleh, Semarang

7 - 21 Jan 2011
Galeri Semarang

BSD art movement (B Art Movement) represented by :
Andro MM Napitupulu | Amy Simonyetbali Zahrawan | Anwar Rosandi | Ferlin Yoswara | Hilmi Fabeta | Ivan Ahmid | Lina Natakurnia | M. Hasrul Indrabakti | Nitnot | Rinen Rama | Stella Prasetya 

Started from receiving a letter containing the event abstraction and the detailed description about an art event called ARTSEM to respond a city of Semarang, we were called to create visualization of an artwork that can summarize the city of Semarang as a whole, its people, and the story happening in the city.
We came up with the idea of a graphic art after so much meetings and arguments for three weeks. In the beggining, It was made of a round 60 cm diameter plain paper that was collored with red, yellow, and blue paint and a pitch black text painted in the middle of the paper. We published and spread it out all over the places in Semarang which became noticeable propragand posters.
We placed the posters in the main area of the city of Semarang on the 6th to 10th December 2010. We made people more aware of the hopes and the memories of the city of Semarang by putting posters in certain places that had connection to the text itself. Such examples are ‘Seni Yang Bergerak’ (moving art) –we placed it on a public transportation and bus stop, ‘Galeri Terakhir’ (last gallery) –we placed it in front of the cementery monument of Semarang.

In the end of the event, there were many reactions from the people regarding the propaganda posters that we spread. The government thought the posters were a disturbance, while the people of Semarang thought that they were a good uniqueness of the day. The commitee holding the exhibition at Semarang Gallery thought that it was brilliant idea, therefore they invited us to exhibit the summary of what we did, in one of the place inside the gallery which appeared to be a more challenging option.  

3. “ WE MAKE ART “
art exhibition
Teraskota, BSD City, 6 – 8 Agustus 2010

Andre David I Angga Anggur I Angga Cipta I Amy Simonyetbali Zahrawan I Arief 'Nganga' Darmawan I Bintang Adipradana I Ferlin Yoswara I Hilmi Fabeta I Jehan Syauqi I Kirana Anggraini I Lanova Bimo Seto I Nayoga Pradana I Rinen Rama I Yakhyakhan Natadias

currated by
M. Hasrul Indrabakti

officiated by
Freemedia, Page Creative Forum, diperdayaradio, Indobeatbox, Studio Film Zams, Frenzy Magz.

doc & photo by
Anngga Anggodo, Bimo

link photo

2. Project Relief
art project
Yusman Syafei Djamal House
Former Ministry of Informatic
18 - 19 May 2010

1. Project I Clothing
clothing project
Taman Kota I & Teraskota, BSD City,
6 Februari 2010

Kaos Seri Chaplin ini dibikin sebagai gagasan tentang pribadi dan pembaharuan.
Kita menertawakan hidup, sekaligus kita mengevaluasi untuk melakukan pembaharuan.
Chaplin mewakili semangat zaman itu.

Kaos ini juga dibuat eksklusif, tidak menggunakan sablon
tapi gambar tangan (handmade)
Dibikin dalam rangka pengkondisian STREET ART di BSD City, krn kaos adalah identitas yg secara sadar atw tidak paling mudah ditampilkan.

Teknik --> drawing artline shirt marker on shirt
Edisi    --> 1/1
Tahun  --> 2010

Model     --> Christina Maria Panjaitan
Fotografi --> Adinda Arianti Susmono

link photo